Incoming QTGG Baby!

That is right.! Post coming in 3…2….1……

What is up QTaholics? We are back like the Emperor in Rise of Skywalker…. some how we have returned! Wait you didn’t see that movie? Well then that makes you smarter than me. What a stinker. I am sure Star Wars movies and shows since then have gotten better right? Right?

You suck Kathleen Kennedy.

Here is the thing. We suck. Yeah it’s true. I mean it has been years since we have updated this. I am sure the one reader we had has since left. Sorry about that folks. If either of us was smart enough to use the time thing Tony Stark made in Endgame we would, but if we were that smart we wouldn’t be writing a blog about QT food – we would be hosting a TV show about QT food. Wait that’s an idea. Think the Food channel would entertain a show about just gas station food? We could call it Gas Food, or Food Gas or Station Stops or Convenient Food or Poops and Food, oh man that’s terrible – how about this, submit your idea for a TV show name. Not that I am going to do it, if I can’t help but update this every few years, what makes you think I have enough initiative to host a TV show. I do want to laugh at the ideas you – ours millions, um thousands, er hundreds, damnit, tens? of readers will come up with.

You may be asking yourself, “Self, why did Rob pick today to restart this glorious food blog that I have been missing?” Well in addition to being a full time staffer here at the QTGG, I am also in Corporate Learning and Development. I have spent the last nearly 8 years working at my own business, as can be seen in some other posts. Recently I made the move back into the corporate world. Here is the kicker – the office that I come into 3 days a week is near the office Steeephen and I shared all those years ago. Ah those early days when the bun warmer under the rollers was a revelation of burning bush to Noah levels, See what I did there? To quote The Who, new office, same as the old office. Or at least they said something like that. With the return to familiar grounds, near by what was our “home” QT, I felt that was the universe’s way of saying “Rob it’s time”. Who am I to turn down the call of the universe? I mean if you don’t listen to the universe you aren’t any better that David Tepper. The universe keeps telling him he sucks at being an owner, but he doesn’t change and he just keeps sucking. Well sir I’ve met David Tepper (I haven’t), I know David Tepper (I don’t), and I am not David Tepper (really I am not).

In the office today, in a spontaneous team meeting around a variety of topics, the topic of gas station food arose. There were words spoken of WaWa and Sheetz. No one mentioned Bucees, but that place is going to be it’s own write up. In that moment I felt moved. Something stirred in me that I had not felt in many years. Like a vibrant phoenix rising from the ashes I felt a new – baptized in the spirit if the QT. I had to share the news. I had to tell these new comrades of the food experience of the QT. I could not stay quiet.

So track this please – 1. New Office near home QT. 2. New team hosts spontaneous convo about gas station food. That my friends is the universe not just mailing you a credit card application, not just calling like someone trying to buy your house, not a door to door guy trying to fix your roof – but like a really motivated Jehovah’s Witness that really wants to save you from hell who doesn’t just knock on the door, but who kicks the door in like Steven Segal and Chuck Norris combined telling you that you are saved! That is a mental image. Now if I turned that down, well that is just skibidi Ohio and if you don’t know what means, well that is on you. Keep up with the times brah.

Now with all that out of the way – on to the review!

Today, since it was return to QTGG, I decided to go back to the rollers. Previously on the GTQQ, The Dock and I have shown our love for some QT dawgs, so I went that direction, but with the corn dog variety. I do have some issues with the design. To truly be a corn dog it needs to have a stick. Lack of stick makes this more of a pig in a blanket than a corn dog. The bread is also a bit too dense and cake like to be considered corn bread. This is more of a dog wrapped in breading. I am going to try to disassociate the corn dog name from this offering. If I graded it against corn dogs it would get something like .420 chomps out of 5. .420 because you would have to be high to think this is a corn dog.

I paired the faux corn dog with a cherry lemon Sundrop. I don’t have a logical reason for the pairing, but like Taylor Swift and insane concert ticket prices, they just seem to go together. I do hope that the faux corn dog is better than this new album of hers. I mean it’s so bad that I think she and the album might break up later and then she will write an album about how this album did her wrong. No matter what happens though it isn’t Taylor’s fault though. So no matter what happens with the chomps rating it isn’t Sundrop’s fault. Sundrop can not be faulted. Full Stop.

Biting into the faux corn dogs gives a pancake sensation. I feel like its just a lower quality of wrapping sausage in a pancake. The taste of the QT dog does over power the lack luster breading. With all due respect, and remember I am saying with all due respect, I would skip this offering and just go to the hot dogs. The only positive is this is an easy vehicle for mobile hot dog eating while maintaining dipping ability. As a sit down food I am going to rank this 1.000000001 chomp out of 5, but as a mobile dog option (more so than a corn dog) I will rank this as a 1.99999 chomps out of 5. I just can not go to a 2. We have standards here at the QTGG. Low ones, but we have them.

And there you have it. So to recap, SW really sucks and it’s Kathleen Keneddy’s fault and Marvel isn’t too far behind these days. We aren’t smart enough to go back in time to update the last few years of QTGG. We should create a TV show but we need names. Chuck Norris and Steven Segal as Jehovah’s Witness seems like a show we need. The new TayTay album isn’t good, sorry Swifties. You have no idea what skibidi Ohio is, don’t be cappin. Sundrop is the elixir of the Gods and is to be held utmost high. The QT corn dog is most certainly not a corn dog and while it pains us to say it – just not very good. Choose a different QT roller option – all of the other choices is better than this. Also to the guy that looked like a dope dealer at the door…. hope business picks up for ya.

Consider this our Fellowship of the Ring. We haven’t even made it to the Mines of Moria yet. Gandalf hasn’t been taken out by the Balrog yet. I guess I should have said spoiler alert, but you know what? If you haven’t read the books OR watched the movies, that isn’t my fault. Seriously what is wrong with you? We will return…….

So for now, I must bid you adieu, so goodbye, mwah and goodnight. Bang

Incoming QTGG Baby!

2 thoughts on “Incoming QTGG Baby!

    1. Dibble says:

      By all means we will refund every penny you spent on it. Let’s be clear though. We admitted we suck. What more do you want from us? Are you one of those people that just want to watch the world burn?

      If you came to a gas station food blog expecting Pulitzer Prize writing or classic investigative journalism I’d say your feelings are more a reflection of your own unhappiness. Do you need a hug? I’m not offering one just asking to kick start your inner monologue.


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